Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cynic Diary

You are not that prevalent!
It’s a myth that you are the center of the universe. I thought as much but turns out that it isn’t exactly the case. It’s a fallacy that when you sleep in the night, the malls shut and the monks fuck! Nothing changes – because of you. Things change – because they ought to.

You will not make a difference, nor make this world a better place!
No amount of saplings you dig in the ground will save a dying life! Eventually someone or the other will take a leak on it - balancing oxygen with piss. Let’s look at it more objectively than metaphorically! You ‘cannot’ power oxygen on earth – so just control where you piss! As the aeroplane tutorial video rightly puts it – Please take care of yourself first before giving oxygen to others! Survive! For everything else- there’s God, Government and the fucking MasterCard.

You will never improve!
I can never change! You can never change! If we claim that we have changed, we are lying. If I claim that your opinion on me matters to me, I am kidding you. I may be doing what you are saying, but it is because I ‘want’ to do it – not because you make sense. It’s just that you made me realize what I really thought. So, yeah – Thank you - but - Mind you, I ‘will’ go back to my old ways in no time. That’s pretty much how the cookie crumbles.

You will always be a wannabe or a fake!
Whether it’s the salary hike or a simple Facebook like – you will want to be appraised in life. Be it maneuvering facts on your C.V or colour correcting your display picture, there always ‘will’ be a black gland in your body. You will not be able to flush it out of your system. You will always be an actor –with your close colleague, closer friend and closest partner! No matter what you claim or think, there is no chance that you can be yourself with anyone or anything other than your washroom mirror.

You were never important!
You will always confuse phases of temporary attention in life with the significance you command in other people’s lives. You will never want to accept the fact that you are alone and no one gives a shit in the long run even when you claim that you are accepting that. It’s a pity that you will never realize that all love eventually dies and nothing is permanent in life – not even ‘life’!


  1. This is extreme cynicism! But definitely gives me food for thought.
    You creamed it with the last bit: It’s a pity that you will never realize that all love eventually dies and nothing is permanent in life – not even ‘life’!


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